All companies know and understand the power of customer feedback. The negative reviews
of a product or service can significantly impact sales and result in bankruptcy.
If you are aware of relevant data at the right time you can prevent such problems and assist clients efficiently before the transaction comes through.
This provides the seller a chance to ensure they send the highest quality product to their clients without being reimbursedfrom a delivery service.
Landlords and hotel owners can rest assured that their property will remain safe and the tenant will not steal anything or harm the furniture.
Airlines can steer clear of brawlers and review customer history to ensure flight safety.
P2P lending services verify every borrower with a single click.
EPASS strives to make the world an honest place to live for employees, employers and service providers.

We aim to make this world an honest and transparent place to live in. As per our beliefs, honest people should be able to get the best services and terms of service.
- They should receive the best loan terms from banks.
- They shouldn’t have to pay the security deposit when renting an apartment.
- Employer should increase their salary and offer career advancement for each honest employee.
- Insurance companies should provide the best cooperation terms.
We understand the possibility of dishonest companies exploiting the benefits for their personal gains. They may blackmail you with a bad review, but EPASS will always be on the right side and offer legal support to staff members in case of indisputable situations.
At EPASS, we understand the crucial role banks play in the financial industry. That's why we support banks in their KYC process with highly valuable data about potential borrowers, including their business history, personal details such as criminal records and mental health information, as well as feedback from previous employers and service providers. With this information, banks can make informed decisions about lending and evaluate potential risks.
Our proprietary algorithm, the EPASS Reputation Ranking, helps banks to assess the reputation of potential borrowers accurately. In addition, we provide an extra layer of security by sharing relevant data with other companies the borrower interacts with. This allows these companies to take precautionary measures such as increasing insurance rates or even refusing service to borrowers involved in illegal activities.
At EPASS, we believe that providing banks with accurate and verified information is essential to making the financial industry safer and more transparent.

Connect with Verified Professionals and Build Your Dream Team
In today's competitive job market, it can be challenging to find highly qualified professionals with proven credentials and a positive reputation. That's where EPASS comes in.
We help you connect with top talent that have been vetted and verified through our rigorous reputation ranking algorithm.
We understand that there are still some service issues that can arise.

Two of the most common scams include employees omitting negative job experiences from their resumes or falsely listing friends as professional references. While EPASS cannot prevent every form of deception, our system does not allow for the removal or alteration
of any verified information entered into it, ensuring maximum transparency and accuracy.

Another issue with existing services is the lack
of transparency. While they do their best to protect companies from employee fraud, some may not be fully forthcoming about their methods. At EPASS, we prioritize honesty and transparency in everything we do. If an employee is involved in any illegal activity,
we share that information with any banks or insurance companies the employer has interacted with, allowing them to make informed decisions and potentially change their terms of service for their own protection. Our commitment to fighting crime and building
a safer, more trustworthy world is unwavering.

Verified Candidates
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